Well, here's the deal.
My calling in my ward is the RS Activities Coordinator. So the presidency tells me what types of activities the ward sisters need and I Coordinate them. :) Pretty simple.
Darcy, my Fabulous Best Friend, volunteered to teach crocheting for an activity. It was so fun and she did an Amazing job of teaching the girls that came! I'm loving it now and starting to get better.
Here's my first attempt. he he he...I know you're laughing. But that's ok. I laugh too.
(PS-the top corners are curled over. They're square, I swear!)
Here's My next attempt. :) It's going to be a baby blanket!! I'm going to add on a white trim! I'm so super excited! It's not perfect still but I'm proud that I'm getting better!
And this is my 4th attempt. But it's a different stitch. Darcy showed me another stitch and it's so fun! I really like how it looks. And again, it's not near perfect. There were two spots I messed up so I went up to my mother in law's fabulous craft loft and found some blue thread and a needle and just sewed it together so there wouldn't be a big hole. hahaha. :)
That's how it's supposed to be when you're learning, right?!
NIcely done. Yer gettin' good!
So awesome, Cherise! Good improving! I really like that new stitch too, and I love the blue color.
Wow, you're a crocheting fiend! Those blankets look completely professional.
They look GREEAAT! Sorry the white trim didn't work out for the yellow blanket though! :-(
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