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Sunday, April 10, 2016

A Time For Everything {Adoption Post #4}

After meeting Kristy and Tyson, there was no question that we were going to move forward and that he was meant to join our family.  And as hard as it was leaving them after spending a weekend with them, we needed to return home to draw up all the legal paperwork allowing him to come home with us. 
(Our situation was different that normal....he was older and we had just felt strongly that we wanted to meet them prior to doing legal paperwork. I won't go into the reasons; it was just what we decided. It's not the norm to have to wait, if the birth mother is ready for placement.)

But thankfully, though we didn't want to leave him, we knew he was in the same loving hands he had been in for the previous 4 1/2 months and we had much to take care of at home. 

This week was ... awesome. Busy and fun and exciting. 

I told every person I could that we were about to adopt our baby boy. Even the cashier at Wal-Mart. I didn't care what people thought- I just wanted to share my joy with anyone I could 

We went to buy a carseat together....we went to Target and Bryce literally took down each car seat from the display to inspect, compare and learn all their features. We ended up leaving without one and going to Babies R Us, where he did the same thing....and we ended up leaving with the one that he deemed "the safest". 
(Thankfully that extremely expensive safe carseat was on clearance because it was last season's colors. Yes, thank you!)

It was exciting enough that the next day when I left for work I made sure to take a selfie with MY carseat in MY car. 
Best. Ever.
....and told my coworkers all about it when I walked in!

We only had a couple of days when we came home to do all the legal paperwork, get the house cleaned and ready, buy everything we hadn't previously purchased and let work know that 

So I cleaned like a maniac....

 Made sure everything was in place in his nursery....

And ordered this birth mother's gift for Kristy. Everything I could think if felt so small compared to the amazing....huge miracle of a blessing she was giving us. But I had to do SOMETHING. 
So I had this made for her. It has her birthstone and his on it. "I carry you in my heart"

And we packed again, only this time with everything we needed to bring our baby 


Karen Rowley said...

Love love love this precious story!!

Erin said...

I can almost feel the anticipation and excitement! What a fun week that must have been.

Mary Lynn said...

Nooo, keep going! I'm getting too emotionally involved to have to wait for another entry again! Lol <3

Ruth said...

So fun to hear all about it!! Congratulations again, Cherise and Bryce!! He's a cutie!
Aunt Ruth Ann

Jana said...

Aw, your huge smiles in all of them...especially that last one!