
Monday, July 26, 2010

SUnBUrns. are. NO. FUN.

Darcy don't even read or look at this one,
I know you don't like feet....

So about a month ago we went to Bear Lake and had an AMAziNg day! It was beautiful and we were with Bryce's family and some friends of ours. It was great....til we got home.
And honestly I don't think this even does it justice.
Do you see how sWOllEn they are???
Ever step felt like the skin was going to sPLiT open across the top.

I felt like I was a pregnant woman with swollen feet and ankles.
It. was. HORRIBLE.

3 weeks later:

I'm a little tanner on top but I'm healed and no longer swollen!


  1. OW! Reminds me of Christine's feet at the reunion. Glad yours are all better!

  2. OOWWW!!!!! I didn't know you did that! it's really is tragic! Yeah, they look just like Christine's did. I'm so sorry.

  3. OUCH!!!!! You poor thing! Wow, you must have been in so much pain. I am glad to se that you are all better and have beautiful feet again :)
