
Monday, September 20, 2010

2 Yr Anniversary (4 months ago)

Bryce and I went to Zions National Park on our HoneyMOOON. :) It was fabulous and so much fun that as soon as we left we started talking about when we could go back again and do a few hikes we didn't get to do. ... Angel's Peak being the main on.
We finally made it back for our TWO year! It was a blast and totally worth the wait. We stayed in St. George at the summer home of a couple Bryce met on his mission; the Armours. They were the financial couple who worked in the Mission home in Madagascar. They were so sweet and allowed us to stay in their beautiful home while we were down there.

We went on 5 different hikes--all different lengths and different levels of difficulty. The hardest and longest and most worth it was Angel's Landing. (All pics are from that hike) Honestly we didn't make it to the peak. The last half mile was the most Terrifying experience of my life.


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That dropoff was so terrifying and that chain moved so much and would smash your fingers against the rocks and when someone else pulls the chains it moves under your hand where you're trying to steady yourself....*shudder*
So after going a good (If you can call it good...) distance with the chain we got to an overlook with normal ground where I wasn't going to have a heart attack. We stopped and ate lunch so I could decide if I was ok to keep going.

Bryce would have kept going and I told him he could go without me because I knew there was no way I could finish. But he said he was happy with where we got to and he was happy with that. (He's so sweet to me. I will love him eternally for that)
It was a completely beautiful day and we couldn't believe what an amazing view it was. We took about a zillion pictures. :) **Notice my sweet Helicopter shirt--it's from Bryce's school. :)


  1. Gorgeous but FREAKY!! I am so afraid of heights...that would not be happening.
