
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just a little of everything

So it's been a week since Bryce cam down with this horrible horrible stomach flu thing. I'm so glad it's over. I hate seeing him in that much pain. It was so sad. And the entire time I was going behind him disinfecting EVERYTHING and spraying everything down. I couldn't get sick-I just got back from a vaca from work-I couldn't take more time off! So as soon as he started feeling better I did about 10 loads of laundry including all our sheets, pillowcases, blankets, clothes, and towels. Everything felt much better after.
I've found a love for dish-ware. Random. I was saying yesterday that we just can't move ever because we can't afford any other house that will have the size and space our current kitchen has. We got lucky with this house. I love dishes. I love just looking at the stacks of matching plates and cups and bowls. I love have serving dishes and serving spoons. I love that I have most of the kinds of pans I could possibly need. Now, I certainly don't use them as much as I should or as much as I want to. I come home from a 9 hour work day and just want to sit. But when I do bake, I love it. And we both love to have people over and so baking and cooking with all my fun stuff and then serving it in a pretty way is just exciting.
I've also returned to my paint. I'm not fully recovered from my painting class with crits from H***, but I'm on my way. I'm so close to finishing a painting for Darcy. I's 2 feet by 4 feet on canvas...not wood like usual. And I used my Own pictures that I took myself and combined 4 of them together to make the composition. The second half has been alot harder than I had anticipated and every stroke is a struggle but I'm getting there.
I miss working with the middle schoolers. That kind of surprises me. But I really did enjoy tutoring and listening to their middle school drama.
I have dreams about school lately. Not a lot but every once in a while. I think about going back and finishing what I worked so hard on. But it's hard to imagine doing For Real. And doesn't seem like it would be helpful to me financially. But maybe just knowing and being able to say that I have a Bachelors degree would make a big difference to me personally...? I don't know about that. I guess I'll just give it more time and see; we'll see. Oh and I emailed my Adviser and asked about online classes and night classes to see what my options are; again, we'll see.
The house is dark. The sun is almost down and I just have one lamp on here in the living room. I love how it makes the rooms look with that yellow glow. It feels really welcoming and that's what I'm in need of.
We put lights up in the trees overhanging the backyard a couple weeks ago. We haven't been out in the evening to use them. As soon as we got them up things got so busy. I hope we get to do a BBQ with them on soon.
We didn't get to go to Mada like we had hoped this summer. Things fell through. I guess it just wasn't the right time. I wasn't meant to be. It will be some day though. We'll go. I know we will.
We talked with a couple who just got home from a two week vacation to Paris this morning. They were telling us all about their trip and what they saw and did and how amazing it was. It made me think of when Dad and Mom brought Kimi and me to Paris is Geneva and how amazing it was too. But during that conversation I was so frustrated because I just don't remember names and info about what we saw or didn't see. They asked me if I had seen this or that and I couldn't recall. How ridiculous is that?! I got to go to a place like that and can't even remember what I saw?! I looked one up on my phone to see a picture of it and realized that No I hadn't gone there. I knew a lot about it from my art history classes after seeing the picture. It sounds so simple but it made me realize what a visually oriented person I am. I see and see and see but the words and names and dates don't really stick with me. But if you show me something I can tell you a lot about it. I'm not sure how to deal with that or how I feel about it but I guess it is what it is right?
Whenever I think about how I think about something or how I'm feeling, I wonder if I'm normal. Is that normal? Do other people constantly wonder if they're normal?


  1. Yes. You need to come out here so I can take you to that place I was talking about on FB yesterday. So come out here. Save up some time and then come. :)

    Or maybe you'll just one day go to the mail and you'll have a package and it'll be something from there...

  2. Aw, cute post. I'm glad Bryce is better! What a random bug that was. I'm glad you didn't get it!
    Yeah I think a lot of people wonder if they're normal. I think it's cool that you figured out you're so visually oriented. Everybody has different ways of mentally processing, and I think the key to maximizing your own abilities is just to recognize things like that.

    I'm excited for you to have a barbecue in your enchanted back yard!

  3. haha you are normal. i do that too.

    i'm glad bryce is feeling better, it was fun to chat with you about nothing real quick this weekend :)

  4. If you are visually oriented, then do you scrapbook so you can remember stuff?
    Where's all your pictures from that trip? Ask your sis. Your Mom says she didn't have good health that trip. I know because the picture your Dad painted of the three of you walking along in Paris was hanging above the bed I slept in at the Sister's Reunion!
