
Saturday, June 19, 2010


Today Bryce and I were chillin in the front room after a long morning of cleaning. I had been hearing the neighbor kids outside for quite a while and I finally looked out the window and saw this:

and this:

Hahaha. They were selling lemonade in our front yard and yelling at cars from our corner. lol
We went out and bought a couple glasses for a couple bucks. I came back inside to get something so I took this pic of Bryce chillin a their stand:

They just brought a couple glasses of lemonade when they shut down their stand. For free. :)
I knew buying chalk to share with the neighbor kids would pay off!
They love us now. :)


  1. That shade looks so inviting... anyone would be glad to buy some lemonade just to sit on the lawn in that shade and relax for a bit..

  2. haha! That is so funny! Super cute photo of bryce sitting out there with them.

  3. Sweet!! Way to buy your way into the hearts of little children. Wait, isn't that a movie line? OH yeah, You've Got Mail.

  4. That's fabulous. How nice that they feel comfortable hanging out in your yard.

  5. that is so stinkin cute i tell you

    oh gosh i just remember you called me, i was home in ohio! it was crazy, CALLING YOU!

  6. Good one Jana! It's so fabulous that you bought chalk for them! I love you for that. Lemonade stands are so sweet. I always try to stop at them.
