
Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Little Help?

I need some help from You! :)

Please comment (anonymously if you prefer) and tell me
what question(s) you would ask a panel of couples who's
marriages you admired.
So the questions can be about communication, finances,
raising children, spiritual issues, establishing a Christ Centered home,
establishing specific good habits...etc.

The reason I ask is because the next activity I'm planning that
is taking place at the end of this month is on this topic. We will have a panel
of couples (3 maybe 4 couples)--our Bishop and his wife,
2 high councilmen who serve in our ward and their wives, and
I'm trying to get in touch with the second counselor in the Stake
Presidency so he and his wife can join us as well.
Although this is a RS activity, we are inviting the husbands
to come as well.

So I am gathering questions that we can ask them that evening.
Because I'm guessing we'll have lulls in questions
that night from those who attend so I want to have some prepared
PLUS I want to give a list of questions to the panelists
so they will be prepared to answer the kinds of questions
that will come up.
I gathered questions today at church but would


  1. How do you make time for family scripture study/family night?

    What ideas do you have for successfully involving children of different ages in family night/scrip study?

    What do you do to involve your children in family finances?

    Advice for couples where the priesthood holder is dragging his feet in family/church responsibilities. (scrips,prayer,fhe)

    Advice on getting to the temple more often, especially when you have young kids.

  2. How do you meet in the middle when you're on completely different sides? (maybe moving to a new place, careers, having a baby (or another baby)).

    What goals do they set as couples and individuals, how to they accomplish those goals?

    What is the most important thing they do together that promotes a healthy marriage?

    When they were still early in their marriages (no more than 10 years), were they financially set or were they struggling? When did they finally get to a place that they were financially comfortable?

    That's all I got for the moment!

  3. im gonna have to think this through...

  4. When you were newlyweds, how long did it take you to figure out exactly how to communicate with one another? What would you recommend for better communication?

    How did you decide when to have children?

    What is the best thing you can do to prepare for parenthood?

  5. This activity was SO FUN! This calling just fits you. :-) Thanks for thinking of it!
