
Saturday, May 8, 2010

This Mothers Day

First I do want to say Happy Mothers day to all you wonderful women out there who do such an amazing job at raising your children and playing such a vital role in the lives of children around you!
And of course, to my Own Wonderful Mother, whom I love so very very much! - Happy Mothers Day!

And this part is for me -
Last year on Mothers Day I thought I was pregnant. I was SO SURE that time. I just knew that 6 months of trying would the magic month-plus it was Mothers Day! It was perfect. But I ended up crying in Bryce's arms. Again.
So, this year on Mothers Day, I am going to be happy. I am going to be positive and I'm not going to even torture myself with another test. I am going to go be around lots and lots of people with children and not feel bad for myself...even though I begged Bryce that we Not go. But now I want to go and I'm going to be happy.

I LOVE my life. I have a wonderful thoughtful husband and a beautiful home and an awesome job. I have the blessings of the priesthood in my home and the beautiful knowledge of the gospel and the plan of Happiness on my side to remind me of what is important. I have a Temple of the Lord within walking distance where I can feel His love so tangibly.

SO, tomorrow, Mothers Day, WILL be a wonderful happy day.



  1. Well all I can say to that is...


    Because you ARE a mother awaiting a baby to be sent to you. :)

    Love you!

  2. You rock Cherise, you will be a great mother when the time comes. I know how you feel. In an opposite way though...I feel like I got one before I was even ready, and now I don't feel like I get to be a great mom, because I haven't felt ready to be a mom. When you are a mom, you will be ready and you will be great.

  3. Yay you! Life is so much better when we're able to just decide to have a good attitude! (sometimes we can't just decide that, and that's okay too.) I really wanted to be pouty today because I can't have the kind of mother's day I want, but I'm happy in spite of myself because there's so much to be grateful for. I hope you do get to have a wonderful day!

  4. Ah, I love you. So much. You are so amazing. FOR REALS!!!

  5. I love love love you Cherise
    Way to be positive!!


  6. This is kind of late, but I just saw this and it's so sweet. Thank you for being such a great daughter with such a great desire to be a mom. that in itself says so much. You are so right that you have a beautiful life Enjoy every moment of time with just you and your hubby now because things really get busier with a baby. It'll happen and you will be an awesome mother! Have fun waiting!
