
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Premortal hearts

I don't like posting about negative things. I like to be positive and fill my life with positive things and thoughts so I certainly don't like negative ones on my blog. But today it's just gonna have to do.

The last week...or maybe a few days a few weeks ago I've felt my mind slipping into the old anxious/negative/mOODy ways. As soon as my mind has some down time all my thoughts and all my feelings seem to scream Negative.

It's been awful.

And about half of that time it's not Because of anything in particular. Already today Bryce has said to me after recognizing my mood was going down hill suddenly,
"You've been so happy all morning. What's wrong? We've been having so much fun.".

All I can do is shrug and try for the thirtieth time this week not to cry.
(I won't tell you how many times I fail at those attempts)

I could list all the things that are going on --
with me or with Bryce or with friends or with family or with work or with whatever trials and difficulties I am facing right now--
that could be contributing to my bad-moodness but really I don't think that they are the cause of this particular evil that has beset my lovely mind of late.

I don't. Because it just feels like that same old anxiety/depression that I just really loved dealing with back in the day. And honestly I would really rather not go there right now. Sorry to say- but that's just not in my schedule.

Like I said-- I don't think my current life difficulties are causing this...stuff, but it's got me thinking--

I've been trying to think of ways to look at my circumstances in a different light...

From a gospel standpoint, we are all here to gain a mortal experience.
I am here to gain a mortal experience.

I know that I chose to come down here and live through difficult things.
I feel it inside me that I chose my particular circumstances.
(and for some reason I included lots of "waiting" experiences...not sure what I was thinking ;)
I know that I was so anxious and excited to come to earth and prove to my Father in Heaven that I had the faith and the courage to overcome and endure the difficulties that would come with a mortal experience. To show Him that if Jesus Christ could come and live a Perfectly sinless life and offer Himself up for the rest of us, that I can come down and try my hardest and when I fall short, I can allow Christ's infinite Atonement to wash it away. And though I'm sure I knew it would be difficult, and that I would try over and over and fail over and over, I also knew that if I stayed close to the Spirit and Repented of my sins that I could in fact return to live in my Father's presence once again.


So I've been thinking--I have that knowledge. So shouldn't I be more able and willing--with a positive attitude and a willing heart--to endure these trials and do those things I was so excited to prove before I came to earth?

I read a quote (from an apostle I think) the other night in scripture study while studying in Alma-- about how there is a space between death and the resurrection. And it said that we will not be completely happy in that state -- even if we are in Spirit Paradise -- because we will not have our mortal bodies which are so very precious to our spirits. (I'm guessing that is something we will feel even more tangibly when we don't have them.) So the next day I ended up sharing this with a coworker because it just struck me as....almost as new information. I'm not sure I ever knew or realized that before. So in talking about it she was saying that Because our bodies are so precious to our Spirits (particularly once the veil is taken away), when something goes wrong with our bodies (broken or ill) it's Traumatic to our Spirit. That's why when our bodies can't or won't function properly, it's such a frustrating and difficult thing to face-our Spirits know how important and special our bodies are.

Anyway, I have a hard time connecting all the dots. But the ones I have been able to connect so far are that--

First: I simply need to remember to keep an Eternal perspective when things don't go so easy.

Second: while keeping my perspective in check, I need to remember that I chose these things and I need to Remember now what I knew back then. {I.E.: the Premortal Existance}

Third: although I may feel frustrated to not have control over my feelings, I can at least find peace in the knowledge that it's natural for my Spirit to want to have control...It's just wanting to maintain it's Equilibrium--to have calmness and stability within itself. (sorry if it doesn't make sense...)

And Last: to have a more willing heart--ready to prove to my Father in Heaven that my life has purpose--that I will do all I can to return to Him better and stronger than when I left.


  1. Wow, Cherise. You are awesome. That post made my day. I am going to try harder tomorrow to be happy.
    Love you!

  2. You have a great Testimony Cherise! Wish mine was as sure and strong!

  3. You are amazing Cherise. You really are!

  4. Beasta, I had a really hard morning, and this was just what I needed to hear. I really admire your strength and your unwillingness to give into those feelings of despair and anxiety that are so easy to fall into, especially when you've been there before. You go girl. I heart you, big sister. :)

  5. I definitely agree that the best thing you can do sometimes is keep an eternal perspective and not lose faith. And in my opinion, being sad or frustrated doesn't mean losing faith.
    I also seem to have chosen PATIENCE as my big lesson to learn in this life. (Cute, Jana. Why couldn't you have chosen cooking or something?) Someone in sunday school yesterday was saying that waiting and patience is EXTRA hard for us these days because everything is so immediate, so it's a trial for everyone. So true!!
    And last, about the emotional trials...oh, how I hate them. But they teach you empathy at least. Sorry it's cropping up again! Keep letting your feelings out, one way or another!

  6. you are so wise...i have too many thoughts right now

  7. Cherise - this is EXACTLY what I needed to hear - thanks for the reminder - you're WONDERFUL!!!

  8. Dear Cherise, here's two things I do:
    1. I say "I WILL NOT."
    1. I say "Go Do Something Else."
    In my mind. To my mind. To myself.

  9. Good for you Cherise! Imagine having depression without the gospel! We have so much to help us in these struggles! I loved reading that! You take care.

  10. Dear Cherise, I'm sorry you are feeling down again. I remember how bad it was at EA but you have grown and changed so much in these last few years. You have an amazing life and husband because you made good choices and i'm thankful that you have such a strong testimony to help you out. Jana has been through this and looking at it through gospel eyes was good for her too. Cause sometimes you can't just pull yourself up by the bootstraps and be happy. But hang in there and keep doing all those things you are thinking of and you will be able to get through it all. Heavenly Father really does love you and so do I!

  11. You are such an amazing woman. You are strong and such a wonderful example to so many. Remember your great worth! Thank you for all the times you shared your love of the gospel and testimony with me. I admire you very much. Love you.
