
Friday, April 17, 2009

Final Painting

My final painting for the semester is due on thursday. It's 5 ft x 4 ft. I've been working on it for a while...
Today I painted from 9:30-2:30.
I finally took a break and cleaned the house. woohoo! Anyway, here's what I have so far. 


  1. Very Pretty! She looks like she's in Paris to me. I think it's the balcony. I'm excited to see her face and what emotion she'll have going on.

  2. And then you painted from 3 to 6! You're amazing...thanks for being such a good friend and coaching me through my painting too. :-)

  3. Cool Cherise! Looks like it will be beautiful. I can't wait to see it! Bring it to Jen's. and the other ones too so I can Ooooh and Aaaahhh in person.
