
Thursday, April 23, 2009


So Lori and Briley (Bryce's mom and 4 year old sister) came up to visit this week! :) It was so fun having them here!
The purpose of this post is just to show a couple little things Briley left for me....
The first is that she ALWAYS finds my modeling doll for drawing and plays with it like a doll. So she had it and every time I came into the living room it was set up somewhere in a different position. 
This is how I found it this afternoon (she and Lori left this morning to head to Provo...)

This was the other thing she left here. They're coming back and she has big plans to finish it. 
It's the painting she worked on while I did my final painting. This is probably the 4th layer of her "door" that turned into a Maze and when I asked her where the door went she said that it was a "maze door". But then she did THIS painting over it and says that when she gets back on Saturday that she'll paint the door.    :)


  1. so cute! You're such a good artistic influence on her!!

  2. I'm sure you don't remember me, I lived in Flagstaff and stumbled upon your blog from Kristin Call's but wow you are very talented!
