
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

My Stitch {Adoption Post #7}

We've had this little person in our house now for 16 months. He's almost 21 months old!  He's going to be 2 before we know it and I'm in denial. 

He loves shoes and boots and going outside. He calls cars "chaws", cows "mooes" and is awesome at saying thank you "teen-too!"

The only thing he wants my iPhone for is to talk to Siri. Over and over I hear a double beep and then "Sorry, I didn't get that." and "I'm not sure what you said.".  He says "nigh' nigh' Bye BYE!!" when we put him in his crib and he falls right asleep. It's magical.

It takes him a long time to really wake up in the mornings and he hates it when we turn on the light to soon. He's completely attached to the bear he was given by the judge on the day of his adoption and brings it with him when I pick him up out of his crib. 

He runs away after I take off his clothes and tell him we need to get him dressed. And today I found him butt-naked lounging on the couch watching Cars. 

 He folds his arms for prayer by putting his right hand one top of his left hand, tucked up near his chin, mumbles words while we pray (like he's saying his own prayers) and says "amen!" when we do.

He loves to be chased and loves to be surprised -- to the point that he jumps. He thinks it's the coolest funnest thing ever.  He has the best belly laugh and the bluest eyes. 

Bryce and I are both learning this parenting thing as we go; he keeps us on our toes! And as hard as parenting is sometimes (when he throws his plate full of home made pasta on the floor without eating a single bite, when he poops in the tub for the second time that week or when he pushes the chairs that I keep in the hall --away from the table-- back to the table and climbs up on it and stomps around the table to show that he's up where he shouldn't be......) it's the best thing that's every happened to us and we try to smile when he's naughty as we figure out how to teach him not to climb on tables and throw his food. 

He's my little Stitch. I really feel like Lilo sometimes from this scene:

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