
Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Bryce is working late tonight so Ty and I got to spend lots of time together just the two of us. We sat down on the floor together and he pulled out book after book and we read our favorites. 

As I read books with such sweet simple words about love and snuggles and happiness I cried. We would turn the page and read another short beautiful sentence and I'd cry some more. 

Yesterday, I put him in overalls for the first time and he looked so adorable and boyish and big; I cried. 

The doctor, at his one year appointment, said I need to wean him off his bottle now. I'm not ready. I'm not ready for him not to be a baby anymore; I cried. 

I called my sister the next day and told her how I still want to rock him to sleep every night and I don't want to give that up; I cried. 

I've had a bad cough for the last week and my coughing scares Ty. So he'll be playing on the other side of the room and I'll cough once or twice and he'll careen around and crawl and fast as humanly possible to me and cling to me and softly cry until I tell him it's ok. So we cry. 

So...I guess there's just no shortage of tears around here lately. :)

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