
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Lindsay Ross Blog Interview

Recently my sister's good friend Lindsay Ross contacted me. She has an amazing uplifting blog! She has a section of it devoted to Real Life Sories about women she knows.

My sister Jen had suggested  to her to interview me because of our infertility journey. (holy moly...I didn't feel like I belonged on there with all the other amazing women she's interviewed!) So when Lindsay asked me I was shocked but agreed to do it because the more women willing to be open about their infertility journey the better--it always needs another voice.
So I did the interview and it went live last month. I posted about it on FB but never posted a link from here! So I still feel weird about sharing it but it was an amazing opportunity and I'm really grateful that she asked me to do it. So go check it out---and more importantly, go read all the other Real Life Stories!!

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