
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A few little things....

A few little things from this week: 

Remember how I started seeds last month?? 

My Moon Flower plants are growing so fast now!!! (And my flax scarlet and morning glories too!) But the moon flowers are the biggest. 

This is the first time I've ever been able to make something grow from a seed! In the past the things I've planted haven't gotten taller than an inch so this is huge for me!

I talk to them all the time-I think that's the secret. ;) 

Also, I think my husband is pretty sexy. He's so manly fixing my car.... PS have I said how much I love having a garage??? It's pretty fabulous having a house without car parts in my living room... :)

And last, I have adorable clothes hanging in our nursery closet just begging to be used...and spit up on. Ha! I have lots of boy clothes too, they're just not in the pic. :)

The gold polka-dots just kill me...

Have a happy day!