
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Honeymooooon: Part one

Yeah so our honeymoon was over a month and a half ago and i'm finally getting to blog about it! HA!

Anyway, so we decided to kind of Half-wing it. we had a couple things planned but left most of our time open so we could do whatever. So after the luncheon we headed out to Park City because Bryce had never been there and I think its just so pretty there. We stayed in a super nice hotel and they even brought us sparkling cider and chocolate covered strawberries when the manager found out that it was our honeymoon! :) We just stayed there for one day and then headed down towards Brianhead.

On the way, we stopped to drive up Kolob Canyon. It was BeautifuL!!!! I have tons of pics! But here's just one from up near the top.

And here we are driving....i think he was seriously driving when i toook this pic...probably not the best idea for the future huh?
This was the backseat of the car during the trip: some of our luggage, and a couple pillows and the hamper filled with snack foods etc that his mom gave us! It was perfect!
I got a bad cold the day before the wedding so i was sick for our whole honeymoon too. retarded!! so that's what the kleenex box is about and then that's our map of Zions nat park and my flip flops and our Atlas! (I LOVe my atlas! we're best friends. She's been with me since i left for college!!)
(This was actually taken after we left Brianhead but ..yeah. pretty huh?)

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