
Sunday, August 25, 2013

{IVF: FET #2: BC and Lupron}

Back in the middle of June we started the two month process of our second FET cycle.
Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful this time and we're heartbroken. We know the Lord is in charge, as always, but we still have that ache to hold a baby in our arms. Luckily we do know that eventually we will hold our little one - either through a miracle pregnancy or through adoption. :)

So, now that we're on the opposite end of things, I'm going back to recount what we've experienced because it's still important to me. Even though things haven't worked out for us, I know we're trying to do what the Lord has asked of us. We're being obedient and one day the Lord will pour out the blessings. In the mean time, we're just trying to find humor in what we deal with day to day and look for the blessings. 

So in June, they had me take my anti-baby pills for a month in order to try to get pregnant...
We still think it's funny. :)

After about a month but still on BC, I started on Lupron injections in July in my tummy once every morning.
The needle is, thankfully, tiny. So they really don't bother me at all. 
I did....every single one myself this round. I can't remember having Bryce do any of them. He's always willing but it doesn't bother me to do them so instead I just had Bryce take a pic every couple of days.
I wanted to be able to show that it's a lot of injections.

Drawing up the medication.
 Pinch and dart the needle in...
 Push in the medication and done. :)
 Switch sides each day.

 I finished the BC after about a week of Lupron. 

 This was so weird. I never bruise with these injections. (Well...maybe two tiny tiny bruises the first round last year but never like this). I guess I just stuck it in a bad spot but I think that's the only bruise I got. 

 Bryce would wake up to take the pic usually so he took it from in bed. :) 

After 4 weeks of shots, my last Lupron injection. (I love Saturdays in jeans :) 

Progesterone is next....I don't have much good to say about progesterone injections....sorry to say.


  1. Well, the good thing is all your outfits and hairdos are adorable! The bad thing is that I kind of hate reading these posts knowing the outcome. But also I'm so impressed with your toughness. That is SO MANY shots!

  2. That. Is a whole lotta injections. *shudder* You're wonder woman.

  3. holy shot. :) i'd love to swear right now.
