
Friday, August 9, 2013

Big kid furniture...

We get pretty excited around here when we get big kid furniture....or at least what looks like big kid furtiniture. Much of what we've had over the last 5 years has been hand-me-down or from wal-mart or DI/Goodwill. 

So when we get something NEW or NICE, we're like little kids.....

OR when we MAKE it!

Here's our homemade King size headboard. 
One large pice of plywood.
One queen size egg carton foam pad from walmart. (Cheap!)
Wood glue
Staples and staple gun
And an awesome piece of fabric. 
(I'm sad you can't tell from the pics but the fabric is pre-tuffeted. 

It's about 3 inches thick and goes all the way to the floor so we don't have to hang it or anything. We don't have a bed frame. Our matress and boxsprings sit right on the floor. Which works since it's plenty high. 
Bryce and I made it together and we're super proud!

Then this last week, a couple we know cuz of Bryce offered this gorgeous solid oak table and chairs! They didn't need it anymore and wanted to just give it to someone who needed it instead of trying to sell it. Were we sure grateful!!!!
We made them cookies...not exactly a fair trade but...what can ya do?

Here's a pic of Bryce and our landlord/awesome friend Brian getting it all set up.
 You can actually see the awesome edge of the table here: 

We're just super excited. We only had a 4 chair table before so this is so nice! 

Now I just need to invest in a vinyl table cloth and something to cover chairs so we can still have our friend's kiddos over! :D

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it funny how when you get older, you get excited about stuff like FURNITURE!? :) Love it.
