
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

{IVF/FET: Our first miracle}

A couple months ago we finally got to actually finish our first IVF cycle by doing an FET cycle. April 19th came and they called me and left me a voicemail with our pregnancy results. We were pregnant. It was the happiest sweetest day of our lives. It's a day I will never ever forget. And although we miscarried just a few weeks later, the memory is still just as sweet to both of us. 

We recorded ourselves getting the results. We just set up the camera on my dresser, I sat down and we pressed play on my phone voicemail on speaker phone. 

It's just a 2 minute little movie and it's so tender. I love it. :) I can't wait for another moment like that! Hopefully it won't be too far down the road!

Anyway, I was watching it this evening and took a couple screen shots from the video to share. :)

(Notice the framed quote on the wall behind us. It's from our wedding. It is a Shakespear quote: 
"He is the half part of a blessed man,
Left to be finished by such as she.
And she a fair divided excellence,
whose fullness of perfection
lies in him."

Then notice the baby names book under my scriptures on my night stand. My nose had been stuck in that book the night before. :)

And this is my favorite:

 (Notice the phone is still in mid flight from when Bryce chucked it to hug me. I love his face so much.)


  1. Oh you guys. You two are too sweet. Those are really special pictures.

  2. Oh so perfect! I love that you caught this moment! Hoping the next goes even better!

  3. Oh so perfect! I love that you caught this moment! Hoping the next goes even better!

  4. Hi! My name is Laura and my husband and I are currently going through our first cycle of IVF. I stumbled upon your blog today when I googled something to help understand the results the nurse gave me on the phone this afternoon. Well - I ended up reading through your posts for hours. It was a true blessing to read about your journey - I literally laughed and cried at times. I appreciate you taking the time to share your experiences as it was not only a true blessing but helps to validate the feelings I am having (ex. I have not purchased baby/maternity stuff even though I have wanted to for years because I have felt odd about it so I started an incognito baby registry instead) your posts have also helped me to understand the entire process better. I was reading and looking at the date of the entry and reading and hoping that I would get to read to a happy ending. But it's still in the works for you (as it is for me) and I will pray that God gives you and your husband your happy ending soon! I'll book mark your site to check back for it. Thank you again for sharing your story - it helped me. ~Laura

  5. Laura - I'd love to talk to you any time about IVF. :) You are welcome to email me whenever!
    I'm so happy and touched that you read through our story. I'm so so glad it came up in google!! Awesome!

  6. I have no love love it!

  7. I love this. Brought a tear to my eye.

  8. Oh my goodness. I just love this so much Cherise. Infertility is the hardest thing I've EVER faced--and yet, look at all the beautiful things that come from it. You and Bryce are facing this together and are so much closer because of it. I also hope you get another call like that soon and that your joy will last a lifetime and on into eternity. :)
