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Saturday, March 16, 2013

{A quilt for our little one}

I completely stole this idea from my beautiful friend Kristin who did this for her babies almost two years ago while undergoing IVF. {and I think she stole it from another beautiful girl!} I've planned on doing this ever since I saw her do it and now that we're so close, I'm determined to get started ASAP!

I want to make a baby quilt for our little one that will hopefully be arriving around the end of this year. {fingers crossed!} Through this whole process we've been so blessed by the love of so many people-friends and family and even strangers! We never had imagined we'd receive so much financial help or so many prayers!

So in making this quilt, I would LOVE it if anyone who has thought about, prayed for our donated time or money for our little one, would mail me a 8x8 inch (or bigger) fabric piece for me to use for the quilt. The fabric can be new or old. Along with it, please write a little note with any thoughts you have, if there's a history behind the fabric or anything else you'd like to include.
That way, when we have the opportunity to bring our little one home, he/she will be wrapped in the love of all the people who helped bring her/him here.

I've been collecting bits of fabric over the last couple of years here and there. Obviously we don't know if we'll be blessed with a boy or a girl so it'll just be all different colors.

Since my blog is not private, I won't post my mailing address but you can facebook me, text me or call me or leave a comment and I'll get in touch with you. :)

I can't wait to get started!!!!

Mail me the following (by April 30th if possible!) :
1. 8x8 inch piece a fabric -- new or old
2. note with your name (obviously) and any history or other thoughts you have for our little one.



Stephanie said...

LOVE this! Email me your address so I can send a square from the Purcells! :)

Meredith said...

It's going to look so great! :)