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Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Pill

Part of the prep for IVF (fresh cycle or frozen cycle) is taking The Pill the month prior. I have an alarm that goes off every night at 6:30 on my phone reminding me to take it. Every time it goes off, Bryce makes sure to say to "go take your anti-baby pills so we can have a baby!".

We think it's a pretty funny and strange idea to have to be on birth control in order to get pregnant. 

If you are interested, here's the reasoning behind taking birth control to start the process. I don't know or understand it super well but here's what I understand of it. 
They need complete control of your hormones in your body. They need to be able to manipulate your hormones as accurately as they can. So in order to do this, they need to "bottom you out" (that's what they always call it). They need your ovaries to "be quiet"(also a frequent phrase used by my doctor) meaning that there are no maturing follicles and therefore, you should not ovulate. 
So they bottom you out and get everything calm so they know exactly where they're starting and can control it as much as possible so they can be successful.
The End. 


Shanda said...

praying for a successful end!!!

Stephanie said...

:) It is a little crazy to take BCP to make a baby! CAN'T wait for you guys!