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Monday, October 4, 2010

Summer full of Family

This summer was so fun! Lots of could it be better than that?
Here's all my fam at Bear Lake.
Why do we always have to be so serious.
Geeze, like stop taking life so seriously guys...

The evenings we beautiful!

We got to see Bryce's fam as well! I wish I had a pic of all of us! :(
But here's a couple shots from our kaiaking trip down the Narrows up in ID.
Bryce, Brandon, Brett and I kaiaked down the river and Briley and Bob met us down at the bottom to pick us up! We had a blast!

The water was soo clear and it was such an amazing day!

We went to Bear Lake for the day and Bryce and Brandon made this
awesome car around briley. She was so patient and thought it was
pretty dang cool. :)

Here she is all covered in sand after she was
pulled out of the sand car. :) She's hilarious.


Annette Larsen said...

That car in the sand is awesome! So cool. And very original.

Christine said...

You DID have a fun summer! I love how you can see how clear the water in in that kayak pic, and I LOVE the very last one of you loving St. George, so cute!