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Friday, September 24, 2010

Hike with D & J

A couple months ago Darcy and Justin decided to hike the mountain behind their house and let us come with. It was really fun and so much harder than any of us anticipated. We'd take about three steps up and have to stop to catch our breath! Ah!
And poor Darc, her shoes about killed her! They turned out to be awful for hiking and made it so much harder on her but she's amazing and went the whole way anyway. :)

(If I talk to you much you probably know I'm working on a painting I promised Darcy about a zillion years ago. It's based off of the picture above and combined with about three other pictures from this hike. I have GOT to get my act together and finish it!!)
We brought lunch and fruit and the ever famous and beloved Fat dip...soo delish!!!! We had a blast-We love you Darcy and Justin!!! THanks for letting us come!

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