
Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Long Time Coming

After almost a year of deliberation and going back and forth and trying to find the loans and the time....Bryce started Helicopter School at Mountain Air here in Logan this morning! He has to get 6-8 hours of ground school done before he goes up in a Heli so after his two hour session this morning, he wiggled his way into another one this afternoon. He's bound and determined to be able to start flying by Monday or Tuesday. 
He's been sitting around the house all weekend READING his new "textbooks"...they certainly don't look anything like mine! :) It's amazing to see him so excited. His class was this morning at 8:00 AM and it's about a 15-20 drive so he had to be out here around 7:30. He is NOT a morning all. But there he was this morning, practically whistling while he got ready; it was strange. But it made me so happy. He's been waiting so long. 
Just before he left he said, 

"You know what would be cool?"


"Once I get my instructors license, you could go learn to fly because I could just teach you ground school at home and you wouldn't have to pay for it."

I nodded and asked if that was allowed.

"I don't know but would you if it was?"


Bryce has brought this idea up before of us Both being pilots. I think that would be So Dang Cool. It wouldn't work too great with raising a family but we can dream. ;) haha
Not to mention the cost would be's awful enough just for Bryce but for a slow learner like me...yikes. ;) 

ANYWAY, We are so excited about this new phase in our lives. Our one year is coming up fast and I'm finishing up my job (I'll be done there for sure by June 6th) and I'm just looking looking looking for another full time job. I've decided to not go back to school in the Fall so I can keep working full time. We're hoping I can go back soon though and finish. 

In other news, we are still LOVING our home. I think we'll be renewing our contract when it's up in November. I just can't get enough of this place. Since SPRING has SPRUNG, the river in our back yard is so FULL and we leave our window open all night. And the TREES are BEAUTIFUL!!! :)
These trees are in our front yard next to the driveway.
This is our backyard. The River is just beyond the pink tree to the right and the yard past the fence is our neighbors' yard. They have lots of dogs and lots of kids too. It's so fun to live in a neighborhood where kids play outside all the time. :)
Oh! and one of my favorite parts about our back yard is the bench right there in the bottom. There's another one of the other end of the yard too!!
And here's a pic of our BEAUTIFUL bed! I did some rearranging of my throw pillows after we got our 500 thread count chocolate brown sheet set!!! So now the colors are choc brown, sage green, and white.'s like mint chocolate..... ;)  And maybe you think it's bad to put that choc brown with our black furniture .... but I LIKE it. 


  1. I'm so happy for Bryce! And your yard is so gorgeous, as is your mint chocolate bed. (So are the pillows brown? At first I thought they were maroon.)
    And after all the time we've spent discussing it, I can't believe you didn't tell me that you decided what to do about school!

  2. Yup the throw pillows are brown with white designs, then there's a green body pillow behind that and then two brown regular pillows and then two green regular pillows....
    School. Well It's not 100% for sure that I won't but it's about 98% sure. We won't survive financially without one of us working full time.

  3. WOOHOO!!! I'm so excited for Bryce too!! It's wonderful that he is SO happy to be starting. He will be having helicopter flying nightmares before you know it because that will be all he can think about! Isn't it great?
    And I think your bed looks great. Achocolate mint bedroom sounds perfectly perfect to me!

  4. Aw, your yard is so cute! That's one of the bad things about a new house and neighborhood, ALL of the trees around here are tiny. I think I might want a bench like that, it's so cute.

    Yay for Heli school! It will be so fabulous for Bryce to be doing something he LOVES. It makes such a difference.

  5. SHUT UP I hate you for having that yard!
    YAAAYYY for Bryce doing something he LOVEs!!!! That's awesome. And I suppose I will accept you not going to school next fall; might as well take a break from the misery and maybe figure out what you can do.
