
Sunday, May 24, 2009

Intro to a Talk

"Good Morning Brothers and Sisters. I'm quite nervous so please bare with me. I'm not wearing shoes. (pause)  In my nervousness I put on two different shoes this morning"

See the difference in these shoes? Yes well I apparently didn't notice this morning.
And of course It happened the day I was giving a talk. 
But you know what? 
I'm pretty dang grateful. It was actually a blessing in disguise. I was so Horribly Horribly was awful. But saying that got people to laugh and I laughed at myself and it actually went pretty well. :)

Oh and my sweet husband... :) 
He got up after me and said 
"I'm wearing shoes; I only have one pair"

That boy makes me laugh. I love him. I really really do. 

This was on the airplane coming back to Utah around the time he Proposed.


  1. That is awesome! I love that your hubs got up and said that too;) Oh the things we do when we are nervous about talking in church....
    Funny stuff!
    Also - your yard is amazingly beautiful, if I were you I would NEVER move! WOW!

  2. That is hysterical. I love it. Way to give a talk. Woop! And that picture is way cute.

  3. Too funny! I bet you did great!

  4. I am laughing so so hard right now! That is hilarious! You are just too cute! Your guys are just so in love :)
