
Friday, March 13, 2009

Help rectify my horrible state of uncreative-ness

I need IDEAS for my next painting! I can do whatever I want so...give me some ideas! I have a creative blockage in my brain lately.... so leave me a comment with any ideas! :)


  1. I'm on this train of thought because of my school project but you could do a symbolic representation of liberty. :)

  2. or my co-worker just read this quote:
    Happiness is the object and design of our existence and will be the end thereof if we pursue the path that leads to it. :)
    Try that one. :)

  3. I'm not creative myself...the painting of the dancer little feet are so cute!

    I will tell you the boys names in person, because it's probably against policy to say names... one starts with a D and sits in the front and the other starts with an S and sits in the front too...on the right side of the classroom. You probably know who I'm talking about now.

  4. The Eiffel Tower as seen by...a butterfly, an ant, from outer space a fly...a giant something or other...
    Death Valley with the heat radiating off the sand dunes or the cracked mud flats..the palm trees there creating an oasis...the colors of the hills
    Calico Ghost Town - the colors of Those hills, the Crazy House angles, don't forget the "ever flowing water faucet"....
    A Horny Toad down on the desert with his sandy coloring and little eyes peering out...
    Have you ever heard of a snake called a "boa constructor"? Hannah started a story during dinner about a snake and when she said this, Keri and Alan immediately thought of a snake coiled, head up wearing a yellow hard hat. A snake that slides over and pulls out a tape measure to see how big a meal you will make.
    Paint the wind, the smell of lilacs, the twinkle of a star...

  5. I liked the indian pictures you put up a couple posts ago. You could do one of those.

  6. Something tropical...with a sunset. And it can be for me! :)

  7. A cool building, like a brick one...with ivy.
