
Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So since I finally got more pics etc up on the walls and the house is Semi-clean, I decided I just needed to take some pics or else it'll just Never happen. 

My painting stuff is out on the living room's not supposed to be a permanent part of the house but Bryce feels like it is. 
Sorry baby!
The futon is Totally broken. I has to stay against the wall because
the main frame for it pretty much broke in half. lol. so it has to lean against
the wall. One day we'll get a big comfy real COUCH! :)

I just brought all those paintings home today after my meeting
with my professor....they're not supposed to be there. ;)
The Green painting on the left is one Bryce brought home from Madagascar
that we both LOVE. 

That's the front door...and the TV that Annette and Cam gave to us
that we LOVE!! 

Down that hall at the very end is the guest room 
(or rather the junk/cherise's art/cherise's unfinished puzzle/mary kay room)
The bathroom is on the right in the hall
and our room is on the left 
Our Fabulously HUGE kitchen with So Many cupboards I hardly 
know what to do with them all!!
The door on the very left goes out onto a small small side porch
thing, we don't use it much. It stays locked

Here's our room with the hideous 80's/90's curtains that came with the house. 
It's hard to get a good pic of the room cuz it's kinda small
and I haven't even put pics up in there anyway...
HAHAHA! This one makes me laugh! It's so ridiculously PACKED with stuff
Including my dresser (because there's not room for it in the master room), two big bookshelves, and one small bookshelf, all my MK stuff (that you can't even see because its on the other wall), my drawing table, my half-finished 2000 piece puzzle, printer, ...and just all our STUFF!!

And here's our bathroom. lol its weird putting a pic of it on here but...whatever. 
Nothing special but it's a little bigger than our old one so that's nice.

ONE DAY I'll get a pic of the outside of the house. :) 
..... one day.


  1. So so cute Cherise!!! Youre such a GOOD WIFEY! :)

  2. Nice! It looks quite cheery and comfy.

  3. So cute! What a great great kitchen & just great house over-all so much better than the moldy basement! :)

  4. Wow, I'm pretty sure your house is bigger than mine. Let's swap.

  5. It is so cute and comfy!!!! Love it!
