
Wednesday, February 11, 2009


The current assignment I'm working on for my painting class is a "pointillism" or "visual color mixing" painting. We have to spent at least 16 hours on it so he said I could split it up if I wanted....
So I found a beautiful pic of the ocean/beach.....
and I had a 4 ft x 2 ft piece of hardwood cut into 3 pieces....
Gessoed all three and started to paint...

This is the far left piece..
(I've done the most on this one, of course...It's the one I started with)

This is the center piece...

And of course, this is the right piece...

And here's what they look like TOGETHER far
It's an interesting project and ALOT harder than I ever imagined. It's pretty dang technical. The sky so far has purple, green, blue and white and all the mixtures in between.
The sand is mostly made of purple and orange...
I'll keep updating as I go. 


  1. Ooooh, that looks good! I'm glad you decided to do it in 3. It's a good stretch! :-)

  2. sheesh, that looks time consuming. But it will be so cool when it's done. Very serene...
