
Friday, October 3, 2008

"I love your blog" award

WOOHOOO!! I have been awarded the "I Love Your Blog" award by Jana!! So I get to try to answer these questions in one word. It will be very tricky, but don't worry...we'll get through this together.

1. Where is your cell phone? kitchen
2. Where is your significant other? carls
3. Your hair color? fake
4. Your mother? coming
5. Your father? driving
6. Your favorite thing? B-Dizzle
7. Your dream last night? puzzled
8. Your dream/goal? bachelors
9. The room you're in? cute
10. Your hobby? copying
11. Your fear? wrong
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? flying
13. Where were you last night? painting
14. What you're not? negative
15. One of your wish-list items? non-stinkyness
16. Where you grew up? flllllagstaffff
17. The last thing you ate? BK
18. What are you wearing? favorite
19. Your TV? DI
20. Your pet? pet?
21. Your computer? bryce'sSweet
22. Your mood? whatever
23. Missing someone? hubby
24. Your car? clean
25. Something you're not wearing? shoes
26. Favorite store? hmmm
27. Your summer? marriage
28. Love someone? obviously 
29. Your favorite color? salmon
30. When is the last time you laughed? lunch
31. Last time you cried? sunday

I award the following people with the "I love your blog award" and in so doing tag them to complete the above questions.


  1. HA B-Dizzle.
    You wish for non-stickyness? OH WAIT non-stinkyness. Your apt, i remember.
    Your hobby is copying? Does that mean...drawing?

  2. yup. lol i feel like im just a copier sometimes. my art professors wouldn't be too thrilled if they knew

  3. I made your list?! Aw, i thought nobody really read my blog. Thanks! No really, thanks.

  4. Ah yes, the bath. Isn't it a wonderful way to waste the day away? Actually, i somehow ingested some gluten and have been hurting pretty bad. The warmth of the bath helps. And when you're in the tub for 3 hours you Need something to do! lol
