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Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Few Essentials

Here in the Davies House, we have a few essentials:

*Cream Cheese
*Petit Sweet White Corn
*Pop Tarts (chocolate fudge of course!)
*Crystal Light
*Brownie Mix
*Ch. Ch. Cookie Fixin's

*bobby pins
*sand paper
*paper towels
*baking soda
*bar soap
*dryer sheets
*black markers
*a few big trucks....duh!, CUZ,

WE're moving!!!!
I just realized that I've been a horrible blogger. WE GOT OUT OF OUR CONTRACT! Finally! We are so very happy about it! We got out of our contract AND we get out deposit back ***(WAHOOOOO!!!)*** AND we found a new place!

Now let me TELL you...

********front yard with a huge BEAUTIFUL tree covering most of the front of the house,
two parking spaces in the driveway, and one is covered,
a shed we share with the couple that lives in the basement (Isaac and Shaum. Isaac is Bryce's Aunt Mel's brother! So we're related! fun huh? They're super nice! They've been married 6 years and have the cutest little boy!),
a garden,
we also have an apple tree....and another tree but i can't remember what grows on it...,
a river in the BACKYARD,
and then INSIDE:
you walk in to a large living room that connects to the dining room (very open to each other wahoo!!!), 
then a HUGE KITCHEN, with a half sized dishwasher (anything's better than NO dishwasher! ... besides me :)
Two bedrooms, kinda small but we'll trade our HUGE bedrooms in a stinky basement for small bedrooms in a wonderful smelling UPSTAIRS any day!!!
One bathroom, LARGER than our tiny one now. :) 
A big laundry room with a FULL WALL OF STORAGE SHELVES!!! YEAH YEAH!! i can start my food storage!

So we SIGNED the papers on Tuesday. So we are in business!!! We MOVE IN on the fifth! That's ONLY 6 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are SO HAPPY!!!!


Chrystal said...

I was thinking your list was really random at first! lol Congrats, it's about time for you two to stop being so gross and stinky! I am so happy for you guys. Enjoy the new place, i hope it stays lovely for you.

Kristin said...


Sarah Welsh said...

How exciting! CONGRATS! Take LOTS of pictures!!

Kristi said...

Hooray!!!!! I am so glad for you to get out of the stinky moldy basement!

Jen-ben said...

so so so cool!

Meredith said...

YA HOOOO!!!!!! I'm so glad for you guys!

Christine said...

sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. i'm so excited for you!

Jana said...

HALLELUJAH!!! FINALLY!!! Your new house sounds so awesome that I want it!! Especially the trees...the river...the garden...the everything that I want in Logan Utah.....
But Cherise....I don't think that moving is the ONLY reason you guys have a couple of big trucks. Come on, now. We all know you'd have them around either way. You truck FREAKS!!! ah hahahahahahahahaha

BryceRD said...

lol!!!!! hahahahahaha jana...well you're right...we are kinda truck freaks...

BryceRD said...

lol!!!!! hahahahahaha jana...well you're right...we are kinda truck freaks...