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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

PLEASE VOTE FOR ME?!!! ( not in the election... ;)

See that? on the side? with MY drawing of the hands? 
----------------------------------- >>>>>>>>>>
I submitted it to an online art contest! Please go vote!!!!
(for me.... :)
I really want to move on to the second round (esp because i get MONEY if i do!)
vote a hundred times if you want! lol :)


Jana said...

There, I voted for you again. Unfortunately, you can only vote every 8 hours.

Bryce & Cherise said...

sweeeet. thanks yana!

Kristin said...

did you know that if you're on a different computer you don't have to wait 8 hours... :)

Bryce & Cherise said...

lol yup! I voted for myself from our other computer.... lol

Chrystal said...

I've now voted for you twice!

Allyson said...

Cherise, your drawings are amazing! I had no idea that was one of your talents!!! Your whole blog is very cute and fun. I'll see if I can figure out how to vote for your pictures!!! I hope you're doing well. Feel free to visit my newborn blog.