
Thursday, September 18, 2008


I've been wondering for awhile how much longer I have in school since I'm in my 6th semester. 
(one semester at EAC, Two Semesters at LDSBC, and I'm in my Third at USU)

I went to talk to my academic advisor who...whom (? jana? ) i love because she's just awesome and funny and reminds me of my English lit teacher from high school....
anyway, we chatted for a while and she updated all my stuff and I have more to take still than i thought but we'll just see what happens. 

Anyway, I wrote it all out-a tentative "plan" for the upcoming five semesters:

Spring 09
Basic Printmaking
Painting II
Textile Science
College Algebra 
Quantitative Literacy (not sure what classes count for this one...)

Fall 09
Family Finance
Life Drawing
Computers & Art
Upper Division Art History

Spring 10
Figure Painting
20th Century Art
(plus 2-3 more classes)

Fall 10
Advanced Drawing and Painting Studio
Life Drawing
(plus 2-3 more classes)

Spring 11
Advanced Drawing and Painting Studio
Bachelors of Fine Arts Exhibition 
(plus 2 more classes)

SO.....i'm not sure why i can't just combine the last two semesters and start the Advanced drawing and painting studio a semester before that so i can be done by the end of FALL 2010 but...I'm guessing she knew what she was talking about. 
Anyway, and i'm also wondering if I could pull off doing one or two classes each summer....?

This all actually depends on what happens with Bryce's job/school stuff. Because if we end up moving away from Logan....and by chance we're able to swing keeping me in school, I'd lose credits and other schools require completely different classes (such as Weber State, In Ogden...already checked out their art program...yeah). 


Because I know you everyone is SO INTERESTED in everything about ME, 
I'm posting all the classes I've taken so far....just because
i feel like doing it. Of course, don't read it if you don't care. This 
is just because I feel like doing it. and 

i love LISTS!!!:)
(this includes the classes I'm currently in)

Anatomy & Physiology
English 101
English 201
Intro to Psychology
Physiological Psychology
Ballroom Dance
Western Swing Dance
Strength & Flex Training
Math 1010 
Integrated life Science
Business Communication
IT-120 (Computers)
Interpersonal communication
Sociology of Marriage and Family
Drawing I
Drawing II
Art History I
Art History II
2 Dimensional Design
3 Dimensional Design
Painting I
Ceramics I
US Institutions 


  1. I"m so glad you love lists. It reminds me of the time when youwere in middle school and you couldn't sleep because of all the things running through your mind so I said to write them all down and you did. Boy was that a long list! If I remember, it was 17 items about preparing for the next day. And then you went to sleep.
    You are a great student! And I'm proud of you!!!

  2. If the answer is him you say whom. If the answer is he you say who. Since your advisor is the OBJECT of your love, it's whom. If your advisor happened to be wondering, she'd say "WHO loves me?" because the answer would be "SHE, cherise does!"
    Har har. I love grammar. I wish I knew more grammar stuff. Like gerunds. I remember learning about them in AP English, but I don't remember what they are! Jana will be so jealous that I answered this before her.

  3. Ra Ra Ra, go Cherise Go! Bee cool, stay in school! You are awesome and amazing!
    I also love lists.
