
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

He was ABsolutly terrified!

bryce asked Dad "the question".....! :) wooo hooO! he was so scared-he keeps telling me how scared he was. its so funny to me, especially because of Dad's reaction when he Did ask- he was so nice and made it easy on him and told him how excited he and mom are to have him as a son in law. AAAAWWW! he's so tender!
anyway, but i was happy that bryce was brave and asked him. He's so cute..... mmmeeeer. :)
So yeah, we're one step further!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!
As for my last blog, thanks you guys for the comments and advice. you're all totally right and i've thought those same things. i was just having a bad day, you know? I try not to let it bug me.
It IS funny though cuz i'm still having dreams several times a week about him proposing to me. haha. Last night i totally thought it was real cuz i even saw the ring up close and like put it up to the light. haha. it was a cool ring. definatly not the kind we've looked at but still cool. anyway, the whole situation cracks me up though. I decided yesterday to just be happy and excited that i'm at the point i'm at. I've been waiting three years to get to this point!! So why should i be unhappy about anything!? That's silly of me. So, yeah, here i am being happy whether bryce proposes this week or the day before we get married. .....although that could be...interesting. hehe. oh well.
i'm glad to have him live so close to me and that i get to see him Everyday! and i made dinner for him last night and it was super yummy! And what's really great is that we get to run errands TOGETHER!!! WAHOOO!!!! i know that sounds so funny but we actually talked about that alot before we lived in the same town--that it would be so much fun to be able to run errands together and buy food together. :) I don't care if that's dumb but i think it's awesome.
Thanks annette for the positive ~~~~~~~~~vibes~~~~~~~~~~ i think they totally worked cuz yesterday all the sudden i was in SUCH a goood moooood. I was talking to all these people on the bus and in line at wal-mart. hahaha. it was funny. Anyway, i have to go to my institute class! :)


  1. That's so cool! How brave of him, not that he needed to be brave talking to your dad! :) Eric never asked my dad because, well, I think we all know what the answer would have been!!!!

    And I know exactly how you're feeling about silly little things like running errands together. It was something that I always looked forward to when I was dating Eric.

    Good for you guys! I'm so excited for you! These next few years are definitely ones to cherish and soak up every moment of!

  2. Awwww! Dad is tender.

    Hey, being happy to run errands together isn't weird at all! In fact it could be the key to knowing you're really in love . . .

    We still love grocery shopping together. And our true fave is going to home depot and making big plans for all the projects we will someday do in our house. Way fun.

    I'm so glad you're feeling better today!

  3. Cherise, you are such a sweetheart. I love reading your blog. I especially loved the previous one where you put beeswax in bold letters. Ha! I can just hear how you would say that!. I don't blame you for being annoyed. But soon it will be all done. I'm glad you have made peace with where you are at now. And I like Christine's suggestion that knowing you like to run errands together may be the key to knowing you're really in love. She is so philosophical.

  4. Cherise, I love you! I love that i've talked to you on the phone for hours this week! I think Bryce is cute. Maybe you should marry him....because I think he likes you...

  5. that is so sweet. and i love running errands with dustin and we havent been able to do that till recently im still having so much fun with it.

  6. I think it is all sooo exciting! I just can remember when you told me about him a million years ago!
    I can sympathise (in a small way) I knew WAAAAAY before my hubby did that we were supposed to get married. And, he asked my dad thte 1st of April and asked me end of May... I started to get a little upset and sooo annoyed at everyone else (like your last post - how the heck should I know why he hasn't asked me? and then I would try not to cry...)
    I am sure he'll ask you soon though - he seems like a really smart guy:)
    And - in the grand scheme of things it is but a small moment. Enjoy every bit of it!

  7. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to meet Bryce. Sorry I can't go to your wedding but I'll see you at the end of June for our family reunion. We'll have a blast!
