
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Final for Three-D Design

For my 3-D Design class our final is...well its too confusing to try and explain. But here are a few pics of one little part of the project.
What I did was mixed up that stuff that dentists/orthodontists use to make molds of your teeth--you know, they put the flavoring in it and its in that try and its usually pink...yeah that stuff. anyway, i mixed up about a gallon of that stuff in a water pitcher (i bought it at wal mart the night before just for this project...and no i doubt i'll be using it after this). and stuck my hand in and held it in place for just about ten minutes until it was stiff--just like when its in your mouth. Then i had to wiggle wiggle my fingers to get the air down to my fingers so it would release my hand without tearing.
Once i had my hand free i mixed up some plaster (plaster powder + water, mixed using my hand until smooth and thick) After it was done, i carefully poored it into the empty hand mold. I left it for ... mer...probably twenty minutes til it was dry and hard.
that next part was hilarous. It took FOREVER! i had to squeeze and pry the pitcher until it Finally released the whole thing. (i wish i had pics! it was so weird!...oh and it was blue, not pink like at the dentist) It felt like...cheese. anyway, i used a knife and my nails to carefully peel/rip it all off of the plaster hand. I felt like an archeologist! LOL.
Anyway, so now my job is to go in and scrape off all the filled air bubbles that look like warts. (yikes...) and smooth out the rough areas where the plaster wasn't mixed well enough etc. Its one of my favorite things-i love doing this! its so fun.

On the pic below, you can kinda see the wart-looking filled air bubbles in the palm of my hand.
still have some work to do....

Anyway, this one was actually a mess up. It needed to be a full hand up to my wrist at least. So i'll incorperate this one into my project somehow but i haven't figured it out yet.
I have the final one that worked out but the fingers all broke off from pressure, so i won't post it til i have it glued back together on friday...


  1. ooh, I hope you did a pretty hand pose for the real one. Your hand is a model now. America's next Top Hand Model!

    Love it, can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. lol annette... well its pretty much the same because it has to be for what im using it for in the project. but it looks way better because its all the way to my wrist....but YES i am totally the next americas next top hand model!

  3. We do the whole mold thing with the fetal demises we have at work. We do their feet and hands. And sometimes (if it's intact) we do the baby's face. It's definitely an art.
