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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

JANUARY 13th-Not just seven months

So yesterday was our 7 month mark since we got *married* :) BUT that's not why we celebrated! 
Four years ago........

January 13th, 2005:

I was 18 and a Senior in High School in Flagstaff. 

Bryce was starting college and working and waiting to go on a mission down there in Texas. 

(We had met back in 2001 in seminary in Missouri. Since then, he had moved to Texas and I had moved to Arizona.)

We got back into contact in Nov. of 2004. We talked on the phone non stop and e-mailed all the time. We got to be really good friends.... best friends actually. We helped each other through so many little things and just thrived on learning more about the other. 

We would play this question game --- We'd just take turns asking questions and during the game if a question was asked you were Required to answer. but we'd always make up new rules whenever need be to get out of something or to get the other to answer or whatever :) It was incredibly tipped in My favor after a few rounds...

We asked questions from What is your favorite color? to What would you do if your house was burning down and ____ was still in there, would you go back in?...well what if you were married and your spouse asked you not to go back in? 

I would give him dating advice-frequently actually. :) usually telling him that he shouldn't get serious with anyone before his mission! hahaha! what a joke that turned out to be :) 
But by January I couldn't get enough of my Bryce...who wasn't MY Bryce. It was quite a dilemma for me, especially considering my dating advice....

But then came the day when he left this message on my voicemail. It was the song "I could Love you like that" playing on the radio. He let the chorus and one of the verses play before he said "I just wanted to tell you that." and hung up.  Let's just say I listened to it more than once and was having a little trouble breathing.

NOW, we must consider my lack of flirting abilities and lack of  the "flirting radar".  Looking back I have NO idea how I could have been so Out of the Loop.... so it's a good thing I had my sisters (Jen and Kimberly) and sister's boyfriend (!) explaining to me these foreign details I just didn't believe. :) But I finally decided to listen to them and think that Maybe Bryce was interested....maybe...a little. 

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