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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

DIY Bird Wings

So for Christmas this last year I was looking for a fun girlie gift for my niece. She has ALL brothers so I wanted her to have something just for her. 

I love Pinterest because you find adorable DIYs like this:

So I made a pair for Piper! 

Measure her arms from the nape of the neck to the wrists. That gives you the top length for both sides. 
Measure her back from nape of her neck to her waist. That gives the middle lengths. 

Choose some adorable fabrics. I went with mostly small prints that wouldn't be too crazy and then complimented them with a couple solids.

I made myself a stencil with 5 scallops and traced it using a fabric disappearing ink pen. 
I started at the top with a couple. Cutting them out and placing them. The scallops don't have to be perfect.
And then moved to the bottom and worked up. 
I wish I had more pics of the process but here a few tips: 
-Start at the bottom layer. 
-Use a Fabric Glue stick to place it along the curved edge. It will hold the fabric in place until its sewn on. 
-Using a straight stitch, sew each strip onto the white fabric
-Use a sheer ribbon on the inside edges that will run down the back---fold around the edge  and sew down. This will hold everything together nicely. 

-choose a cute top to the wings. Regular ribbons or something frilly. And sew right on top.
-edges of scallops are raw so use Fray Check along the edges to help it keep from fraying too much. 

Sew on ribbons for the neck and wrists. Or use elastic so she doesn't have to have an adult tie it every time. (I used a ribbons for the neck and elastic for the wrists.


Sarah Welsh said...

Those are ADORABLE! You are so crafty!

Sarah Welsh said...

Those are ADORABLE! You are so crafty!!

Unknown said...

Do you think fabric glue or adhesive would work for these to recreate? I cannot sew for the life of me, but I love them! My nieces would go bananas over this :)