
Saturday, February 22, 2014

{IVF/FET Cycle #3: no more needles for me!!}

It's 6:37am Saturday.

I just got back in bed and I'm snuggled against Bryce to warm back up. 

My alarm went off at 6:30am like it has every day for weeks. I pulled myself out of bed, poured myself a glass of water, came back to our room and opened the closet door to let some light in the room without waking Bryce up. 

I opened each of my three current medicine bottles. Downed my meds. 

And for the last time I drew up the medication into a little needle and shoved that needing into my stomach. 

Never again will I have to give myself an IVF/FET related shot....

I'm done....

It feels so weird. These things have been daily routine for so long....

An IVF stim cycle and three FET cycles. All in 15 months. I would have done it faster if my body would have been more cooperative! But hey, it's still a lot. 

Anyway, I just wanted to document the day I finished. The moment I finished with needles. 

Trust me, there's still lots more I have to do and deal with but being done with the sharps is a big event. 


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