Our ward is awesome and our youth are even more so.
Every year we take the youth (YM and YW) on an overnight retreat. It's different every year. This year we went to a camp up in Oklahoma. We did team building activities, a zip line, walking a tight rope, repelling and a rock climbing wall. We had so much fun!
We got to stay in cabins. The boys had one and the girls had the nicer one. :)
We even had bathrooms and showers. Kinda scary looking ones but at least there was no squatting!
We got there around 9pm. They played capture the flag, we had cobbler and a devotional around a bon fire and we didn't go back to the cabin to sleep til about 1am.
Notice the half asleep Haileee on the left.
Victoria- always happy.
Our smokin' hot president showing off her camping pi's and….possibly smelling her campfire hair while trying to look mysterious.
Honestly though, she always looks gorgeous even while camping. We're all jealous. :)
The next morning the boys made breakfast for everyone and then we did group pics.
Seriously, we have the coolest Beehives ever.
We did some team building activities and did the "and they all fell down" part quite often.
Trying to build the tallest pyramid first. Girls totally won.
I'm in love with Stacy's stance and face in this pic. She's such a mama watching over those girls. She did awesome catching Megan when they all fell down.
Then the boys and girls and leaders teamed up to give it a try.
Later, we headed up to the COPES course. We did the rock climbing wall, repelled down the opposite side, climbed up a pole and then zip lined down.
Everyone had to be patient and wait for their turn. They did awesome and had so much fun just hanging out all together.
Little Miss Michelle waiting to start climbing.
One of the youth climbing...
And repelling…..
So…..I did it too! I still can't believe I did it. I hate heights SO BAD. My ankles very literally shake.
I climbed the pole, walked the line and zip lined before climbing the wall.
There's me walking the line. The cords hanging down are attached up at the top so you can't hang onto more than one at once. In order to reach the next one, you have to drop the last. You're obviously in a harness so if you fall, it's ok but no one ever wants to fall!
I made it across ok and wasn't too scared. I was determined to be able to do it!
But once I got to the pavilion, he wanted me to let go of the pole to hook me up but my ankles shake so bad with heights I wanted to wait a min so he just put his arms around me to hook me up. HAHA! When I got home and showed Bryce the pics, he enjoyed teasing me about another man's arms being around me. :)
And….I held on a bit longer. ;)
Then I zip lined down. I have a video of that but can never upload videos.
But here's me climbing! I was so proud I did this. I didn't think I'd make it. I got stuck 3/4 way up at the hardest point. I was there for probably 4 mins before I was finally able to finish.
But I did!!! I was very proud.
After that, we did more official team building activities that seriously stretched the mind and the muscles.
I couldn't believe how hard some of them were but it was great. :)

On the ride home we stopped and got food. Here's Tiff with her ice cream. We were happy campers to be headed home.
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