
Monday, December 9, 2013

my utah babies

If I ever felt true motherly feelings, (other than for my little embryos) it would be for my nieces and nephews. 
I have 25 and I love them all to pieces. They're all so different and beautiful. I love all their little spirits. Some of which are entirely too big for their little bodies. 

Jennifer invited me to be there for three of her babies' births. I missed Tanner's by about 10 minutes because I got lost in the hospital (I was only 16).
But I did get to see two live births. 
These two right here:
Taelyn and Chase
 I love them something fierce.

Miss Madsie is getting so old! She's such a beauty queen!
 I just love all their personalities. :)

 Be still my heart. <3 p="">

 This girl reminds me so much of Ellie on the movie UP. She's crazy and psycho and completely adorable.

I'm SO HAPPY I got to see Amanda, Sarah, Amanda and of course Jen. :)
Thanks Jen, again, for taking so many pics!


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