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Friday, August 9, 2013

Girl's Camp Flag

My calling is in YW in my ward. (Denton Third ward)
This year for Girls Camp each ward had to have a flag representing their ward and they had to represent a country of their choice because the overall theme was the olympics. :)

We ended up doing Madagascar because we didn't think anyone else would pick it and Bryce knows the language and there's the kid's movie so we thought it would be fun.

I wasn't able to go because of work so I was stoked to be able to do the flag! One of the other leaders, Becca, came over and we planned it together and then I just made it happen.
It went way faster than I thought it would and got it done in one night. :)

 "Manao Ahoana" means Hello in Malagasy.
D3 is for Denton Third Ward
The tree is a baobab tree, native to madagascar.
We did the font like on the cover of the kid's movie.
And of course "We like to MOVE IT!"...
Which was prefect because the skit our girls did was a choreographed dance.

1 comment:

Christine said...

It looks SO GOOD! Totally profesh.