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Friday, August 9, 2013

Boys Will Be Boys

I married into a boy dominated family. Yes I did. 
So different from my own girl dominated family. :)
They're both fun!

SO, this family with so many boys love making fun of each other and being sarcastic etc.
One other thing before I start: My mother in law INSISTS on a picture of the birthday child to hold his/her cake up for a picture before blowing out the candles. 

So this year started a war on birthday cakes. 

Brandon started it by offering to make Bryce's birthday cake. I said, sure why not? Go for it.
Little did I know, he has connived a plan....

Bryce's birthday is on St. Patty's day. So Brandon decided to make a cake with a huge rainbow with a pot of gold at the end and a cloud on the other.

Innocent enough, right?


These boys all call eachother 'gay' all the time. And the rainbow is the symbol of .... that ....

Anyway, the second he uncovered the cake for Bryce, I was just like "oh, cool! how creative!" But Bryce just backed up and said "You jerk! NO WAY am I getting in a picture with that!" 

HAHA! It took me a while to get the subliminal message....

I know we did get one pic before he got too far away but I can't seem to find it..... wonder why?

So a couple months later, here comes Brandon's turn. 
LET ME MAKE THIS CLEAR: This is Bryce's idea. I just helped with....making it...and frosting it..... 

See, I had nothing to do with it.

Yes, it's mooning him on his birthday.

The most hilarious part was that Brett bought him a birthday card and the theme was also Mooning. Not planned.

Next birthday was Brett's 16th. 
No bigger insult than a pink car for a teenager!
Bryce was out of town on the High Adventure. So Brandon, Brock and I conspired together.

I did some looking online on how to do fondent. But I went to buy it and ... holy expensive! 

So I did some more looking. I found a recipe for fake fondant that only takes mini marshmellows, powdered sugar and food coloring. 

The boys decided what they wanted to make and I got the ingredients. The inside is actually rice krispie treat. (easier to mold than cake) The tires are made from cookies cut in half. The rest of it is the fondant I made. 

The boys arrived.
I handed over the rice krispie goop. They formed the car shape. 
I rolled out the fondant.
We placed it over and formed it around.

Then while they perfected, I added some purple to the left over fondant, rolled it out again and cut our the racing stripes, flowers for the tires etc.

The next day we they gave it to him. :)
 He even got a smooch from an older brother.

 We  They were pretty proud. 
Like I said, I have nothing to do with this nonsense.


Christine said...

I love the cake war!

Jana said...

Pretty much awesome. Glad you can be so innocent in all of it but still enjoy it...

Sara & Co said...

ahahaha that's hilarious

Mary Lynn said...

That's hilarious! I wish I knew how to do that kind of thing, I would SO do that for James! :)

Annette Larsen said...

That is just to hilarious. How very *kind* of them to be so willing to make each others cakes!