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Friday, August 9, 2013

{Art Lessons: Watercolor}

This summer Kalli isn't coming to lessons but Sheridyn still comes a couple times a month on average. Things come up on their end or mine so we don't do them every week.

Recently we started using watercolors. Just getting the idea of them. :) Nothing fancy. 

Sheridyn brought a friend one week, so that was fun!
 They each drew a fancy flower they found online together that they wanted to paint and they each re-drew it themselves on water color paper.
Then I used elmers glue to trace what they had drawn.
 We used my hair dryer to get it to dry faster. 
While they dried they used a color wheel to choose their color scheme.
Then they got to start filling it it.
 They did awesome! I wish I had a pic of their finished products! They were great!

A couple weeks later, Bryce's sister Briley joined us. 
We worked on pattern in our water color.
We did an under the sea theme and made layers in the ocean.

 I did one too. They don't like it when I don't participate. lol

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