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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A little bit of silly happiness

I was just laughing and enjoying this post written by my friend Jessica. :) 
She's hilarious and such an awesome lady! Anyway, it got me thinking about our own journey and about what's going on with us in general and I thought I would just post a couple little bits of happiness from recently...

My husband. Bryce. He is amazing. He makes me laugh and treats me like a queen. With everything we've been through over the last five years, I'm so so SO grateful he's the one going through it with me. He makes everything better.

He works as a aircraft mechanic right now while he's in school. He's been doing mechanic work since before we got married. When we got engaged he brought our engagement pics and put them on the inside lid of his main toolbox at work that stays open all day every day.... and they've stayed there ever since. (5+ years)

He has since added a couple other pics but they're pretty old as well. 
So a couple weeks ago he told me how he wanted to update the pictures....He ended up looking through our pics for an hour last night choosing his favs from over the years. :)

He printed a bunch from our adventures. Kayaking, hiking, driving, camping name it. It's just really sweet to me that he wants pics of us and of me to have at work. Love it.

Another tid-bit that makes me happy:
Several times Bryce has come home to tell me how the guys at work are jealous that he has such an awesome wife. (not to toot my own horn or anything.....;) 
But simple stuff like how I always make his lunch or how I "let him" hang out with his guy friends or how I "let him"go to Cabela's. 
Which, I think is so funny that that's a big deal! He's a big boy and I'm not his mom! He can do fun things and I'm not in charge of him....even though we act like I am. Ha!
They were particularly amazed and jealous that he has a wife that allowed him to be on the Scout High Adventure trip up in Colorado for a week including over our 5th anniversary. (not that this wasn't difficult to let him go and have him gone!!! Totally stunk!) 
Apparently they keep asking how he found a girl that's so "pretty, nice and let's him do stuff". 

Talk about making me feel good! :) He's so sweet to tell me. He probably makes it all up just to make me feel good. But even if that's the case, it sure works!


Bethi said...

Pretty sure he doesn't make that stuff up. You are totally awesome. Bryce really lucked out! You are beautiful, fun/funny and you have a heart of gold. I consider myself so lucky to have such a wonderful friend like you. You deserve every bit to toot your own horn! Love you! (and Bryce :))

Christine said...

Aw, I love it! You two are possessors of mutual awesomeness.

Shanda said...

Bryce you rock, come teach Ashton a thing or two

Sara & Co said...

i don't think i have to remind you that i measured so many guys to bryce after my two are awesome.