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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Camping at Caprock Canyon

We heart camping so bad!!!

So we took a trip a couple months ago to a new area! We drove 4 hours to NorthWest Texas to Caprock Canyon State Park. It's like a mini Grand Canyon. That's what we decided at least!

We loved, in Utah, that you could camp like....anywhere. There's mountains and canyons everywhere and it's so easy and close. So we've been dying to be able to go somewhere cool to camp since we moved here! So we finally got the time off work and did research and chose Caprock. 

(By the way, we LOVE winging it! We didn't decide where we were going until the day we left. We knew we were going somewhere and that we'd be camping but we hadn't decided which direction to go! We had looked into going south to the beach or south to san antonio or north or west or east or whatever!!!) 
It was very exciting and fun. 

We finally chose Caprock and packed up and left. 

We got to the park and paid for a campsite for two nights. Drove to the site and set up camp. :) 

It's hard to tell from the pic but just past the tent, where the dirt ends....there's a cliff down into the canyon. It was a pretty sweet spot!!

After setting up camp we got ready for our first hike!

 Awesome cave. It would be so pretty in the summer I bet! The walls were covered in dead/sleeping vines that must turn a beautiful bright green in the summer. We plan to go back. :)

The second day I was burnt from the first day! My neck was so bright red...yikes.  The weather was pretty nice but the wind was so so chilly! We were always grateful when we got out of the shadowy areas and back into the sunlight!

With all the wind, we had to improvise. My scarf was crossed in front and tucked under my backpack straps so it wouldn't whip around in the wind.

Here's Bryce in the hideous fishing hat....yikes. Bahaha!
But really, this was an awesome part of our hike!! We were so high and had just crossed that ledge. Yuck, I hate heights so much!!!!!!!

Other side of the mountain. :) 
 Luckily, there's always payoff for the hideous heights. It was so beautiful there! I kept thinking how much my dad would love the views. It reminded me so much of southern Utah!


Sara & Co said...

this is adorably precious. that's all that needs to be said.

Kimberly Jepson said...

You two have always been good at getting out and doing fun things!! Rob and I really struggle with that. We're so lame. Looks like it was a super fun trip!!

Annette Larsen said...

So fun! And what an adventure to just decide to go and do it!

Sarah Welsh said...

TOTALLY reminds me of Bryce Canyon!

Christine said...


Skipandleap said...

We love camping too! Good to know to add it to the list.