
Saturday, April 6, 2013

{FET Cycle: Progesterone injections}

After finishing Lupron injections (prevents release of eggs from your ovaries), you start Progesterone in oil shots. They're intramuscular shots and much larger than the tiny Lupron injections. Plus instead of administering them in your stomach, they're administered in your upper bum region. :)

I'm sure some people may think I'm a baby about it but I don't like needles to begin with and neither does my husband! But luckily we're beginning to get over those anxieties after everything we've dealt with. But Progesterone (intramuscular) shots....we've never done them and didn't know what to expect. 

I wasn't nervous....UNTIL I watched the prep video! ha! You'd think it would make me feel better but they lady on it said to do it like "a dart" and it was like...serious business! She aimed from like a foot away! Bryce said there was just no way he'd do it without a coach. LOL

So we called our bishop's wife, Ruthanna. They live just around the corner and she's a nurse, PLUS she helped her daughter just last year with all the same injections when she did IVF! :) So she said to come on over. Bryce was so relieved! He kept saying, "I've never stabbed a person!". LOL

This is how I felt about it.
 Or maybe this is more accurate. But my oscar the grouch slippers always help in these situations. They're going with me to the hospital when I have this baby. It's been decided. I don't even care that they'll take up half the room in my bag. They're worth it. ;)

I'll post some pics of the actual shot later.
But we went and she used a permanent marker to draw on the areas that it can be administered so Bryce doesn't have to worry so much. She talked him through it and then he did it! It felt like a prick and that was it! I thought I'd feel it going in the whole way and that he'd have to like...shove it past all my muscle... (because we all know how muscle-y I am! HA!!!). But it was good! Just a little uncomfortable when all that oil goes in. It makes the muscle cramp up a little so you just massage it after. No prob! Bryce says he'll be an RN by the time we're done. 

OH, did I mention I have to be on these shots (one every night) for the next 10 weeks? yeah...
BUT we'll do whatever we need to for our little one! 

So he promised before the shot that he'd take me wherever I wanted to go for dinner after.
I chose Sonic. Don't ask me why. lol Haven't been there in forever!
I got a delicious grilled chicken sandwich. And then stopped at BRAUM'S and I got an amazing chocolate banana was seriously amazing. 
 Bryce got to get an ice cream cone since he was brave and gave me the shot. :)

More pics to come. ;)


  1. Yay!!! Progesterone means it's baby time!!! And yeah, that are lame-o. Probably my least favorite part, but look how far you've come!! Love the slippers btw. And YES they should come to the hospital! Even if they need their OWN bag. Hooray!

  2. Oh my. I loved this post so much. You are hilarious. I think I need some Oscar the Grouch slippers. :) Man, I do not know how we are going to manage these shots. I told Matt the other night that since I have to get the shot, he has to give it! :) Haha. We'll see how that goes. He hates needles as much as I do! I also like that you went to sonic and don't even know why. It's just random and that part made me laugh.

  3. I love you guys!!! Oscar slippers are a must!! I am so excited for you guys!

  4. I love you guys!!! Oscar slippers are a must!! I am so excited for you guys!

  5. Stephanie girl, honestly, it was nothing! I mean...I've only done the one so far but it was ok! PLUS i keep thinking, it'll feel more worth it when you find out your preg!!! :)

  6. Um, I'm pretty sure that NOBODY thinks you're a baby about having to get a shot every single day!
    You're the cutest!

  7. I can't believe how much you are going through! You are so brave! We are praying for you!
