
Friday, March 1, 2013

MRI Results= Progress!

This one is a little out of order but I'm trying to catch up with everything in one night!

I posted last week about that nasty bugger of a cyst on my left ovary. Dr. N sent me to have an MRI (with contrast) of my abdomen. I originally had my orders be sent to a hospital because that's where I've had them done in the past. But after speaking with their insurance office and finding out they'd be charging me upwards of $3,500, I decided to look for other options!!!

If you ever need any kind of MRI, Imaging or Sleep Study, GO TO AN INDEPENDENT facility!!! They're a zillion times cheaper!!! Instead of the $3,000-$4,000 bill from the hospital, Touchstone Imaging only charged me $650.00 for my MRI!
And they were AWESOME and I got in really fast and they were super nice! 

Anyway, good experience with them! So they sent my results to my Doctor the next day and she called me with results.

She cleared us! No cancerous cells and nothing bad! Just a nasty bugger of a cyst that will take several months to resolve itself but it will not interfere with us moving forward with our F.E.T cycle!

Can you tell I'm tired of waiting?? :)

So I'll continue taking my daily meds and start injections in my tummy next weekend! A friend pointed out today how funny it is that I'm excited to start sticking needles in my stomach but like I said in my last post,

{Gospel thought: I keep thinking about that word: Progress. In Young Women, we've been talking about the Plan of Salvation for the last month. I keep thinking about how many religions teach that after this life we all go to Heaven and simply live there with God and praise Him forever. Now, don't get me wrong, He deserves all the praise we can give Him! But how can someone think that anyone could be happy being stagnant? I truly believe that Heavenly Father created our Spirits to want and need PROGRESS. He made us so we'd want to improve and become and progress. Why would we be happy any other way? The last 4 years have taught me so much about Progression and the importance of doing so that we can move forward. We had a couple of years where we were completely stuck. We didn't have the funds to do anything about our situation. We were literally living paycheck to paycheck by the skin of our teeth. Paying for one doctor's visit to see what was going on wasn't even a possibility, let alone a whole process of tests and treatments. 
That time where we did not progress was so difficult and made the disappointment so much worse every month. 
I know that the Lord knows our need to progress--including after this life. He has so much more prepared for us after this life! Our families are so incredibly important in this process and He has given us everything we need to make it possible to be with them and Progress with them in the next life. 
I feel so so blessed!}

1 comment:

  1. I loved catching up on all your posts! Congrats to Bryce and we are so excited for your next adventure! Moving forward always feels great!
