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Sunday, December 30, 2012

IVF: Apparently it IS for us.

I never thought IVF was something I would do, something that we would do. 

ACTUALLY, that would be completely underplaying my feelings on the subject.
IVF (and several other very invasive fertility treatments) felt so incredible invasive and impersonal.
I kept thinking that I just didn't want a bunch of doctors and nurses all up in my business and in that part of our lives as a married couple. For goodness sake, let me have some kind of privacy!!!!
I cannot express how strongly I felt about that. I was very opposed to doing IVF or IUI for that matter. 

But it came to the point that it was our best option and Heavenly Father helped both my feelings and Bryce's to change so that we could do what He was asking us to do. 

These are the vitamins I was on before we started IVF. I thought that was crazy...
Vit C, Vit D3, Folic Acid, Aspirin 81 mg and Prenatal Vit Rx. 

Then, believe it or not, they started me on birth control. I'd never done that before! ha!
I was on it for 3 weeks. You don't even take the last week's worth. This is because after two weeks of taking the BC, they start you on Lupron injections. The BC is to get you to the perfect time in your cycle to start the Lupron. You continue the BC for another week before discontinuing and continuing Lupron.  

Bryce took this pic of my first ever BC pill. (Don't forget to admire my Blue Willow china behind me on the top shelf. It's my pride and joy.)

The box of all the medications and needles etc came in this huge box. It started to feel real.

Once they started me on the injections, all the sudden I was a person with a sharps container on my dresser next to my jewelry box and medications in my weird. 

Here's a sampling of the amount on meds and injections I was going to have to do. Many of the needles are all stuffed in the bags on the right. 

So my first Lupron injection was on Oct. 31st 2012. Yes, Halloween! 

I started with 10 mg of the Lupron each morning (6AM). 
We made a video of my first injection but it's sideways AND I can't get it to upload so I guess I'll skip it.

Here's us headed to one of our doctor's appointments. And actually, I believe this is from the day I was diagnosed with a Unicornuate Uterus after having a Hysterosalpingogram Test. Which is what lead us to doing IVF. 

 Here's a look at our doctor's office....
This is the building their office is in. It's part of the hospital so you go in those main doors there....

Once inside the front doors you take the elevators on the right side up ahead to the third floor.

And their office is suite 300. Fertility Specialists of Texas. Dr. Noorhasan is our awesome awesome doctor!

 This is the waiting room that I'm completely in love with. It's very homey. We've been here many times but rarely have to wait very long at all. :)

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