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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dreaming of Our Little One

Hi All!!

I wanted to include this short explanation of what's going on with us right now.  I know the last post is extreeeemely long! So here's this in case that's better for you! I know time is important! This is just copied and pasted from what is on our Auction Page, "Dreaming of Our Little One" on Facebook.

Thank you so much for your interest in supporting through such a bittersweet moment in our lives. We are so excited about the possibility of starting our family, but we have come to the point in this process that the only way for us to move forward is with the help of others. 

We have been to several doctors and tried everything they’ve suggested, but as we approach the 4-year mark of waiting o

n our little one, we’ve discovered that the safest and most promising option for us will be in vitro fertilization. And as we all know, in vitro is ridiculously expensive. The funds that we worked so long to save disappeared quickly with all this medical intervention, and rather than wait until we’re 50 and have enough money saved again, we decided to ask for help.

We wanted so badly to be able to start our family on our own, to not have to involve anybody else and have this personal experience remain personal, but that’s not how it’s worked out. We never imagined we would be asking other people—strangers, even—for help in having a baby, and it’s not the way we would have wanted it, but we’re trying to make the best of our situation. Thank you so much for your help in making us a family of three!

-Cherise and Bryce

PS- I wanted to point out the DONATE HERE button at the top right of this page. The proceeds will go directly towards our IVF treatments. Thanks so much! 

1 comment:

C'est La Vie said...

ok this is off topic but i look at your home behind you there and i just know i'd be in love with your home haha everybody is so plain and simple these days, i can tell you are an artist just be seeing that one picture!

...we haven't chatted in awhile. i'm going to have to call you.