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Saturday, June 19, 2010


Today Bryce and I were chillin in the front room after a long morning of cleaning. I had been hearing the neighbor kids outside for quite a while and I finally looked out the window and saw this:

and this:

Hahaha. They were selling lemonade in our front yard and yelling at cars from our corner. lol
We went out and bought a couple glasses for a couple bucks. I came back inside to get something so I took this pic of Bryce chillin a their stand:

They just brought a couple glasses of lemonade when they shut down their stand. For free. :)
I knew buying chalk to share with the neighbor kids would pay off!
They love us now. :)


Ruth said...

That shade looks so inviting... anyone would be glad to buy some lemonade just to sit on the lawn in that shade and relax for a bit..

Ashton and Shanda Call Family said...

haha! That is so funny! Super cute photo of bryce sitting out there with them.

Jana said...

Sweet!! Way to buy your way into the hearts of little children. Wait, isn't that a movie line? OH yeah, You've Got Mail.

Annette Larsen said...

That's fabulous. How nice that they feel comfortable hanging out in your yard.

Jen-ben said...

That's so cute!!!!

C'est La Vie said...

that is so stinkin cute i tell you

oh gosh i just remember you called me, i was home in ohio! it was crazy, CALLING YOU!

MoM K said...

Good one Jana! It's so fabulous that you bought chalk for them! I love you for that. Lemonade stands are so sweet. I always try to stop at them.

Meredith said...

How stinkin' cute!