
Friday, March 26, 2010

A Working Girl

I L.O.V.E my job.

It's not super exciting but it's just an awesome job. It has so many aspects that are just perfect. Perfect for Me.

1. I work at a computer. I've always been good at finding
my way around a computer and I enjoy typing and using
different programs. Plus I have the most amazing view!
(see bottom pic)

2. I have my own desk. My own space. It's not huge by any means but
It's my space and no one else uses it-just me. So I get to put up quotes I
Love and pictures I Love around my computer.

3. Post-its! I LOVE post it notes! I think I use as many post its in a week
that the three other ladies I work with combined. It's cuz I love lists.

4. Speaking of the ladies I work with. :) They're all Fabulous! And we're all
so different! There's me-still kinda newly wed and just figuring out life.
Then there's Jenny who is a couple years older than me and
loving single life and just is really fun and talkative.
Then there's Susan-she's around my mom's age, all her kids are moved out and she's very mom-like. I love it! We talk about Visiting Teaching alot. :) And then there's Pat. She's my supervisor. I've never had such a fabulous boss! She's so sweet and understanding and so fun to work with! She's been such a great teacher. She's very thorough and is Awesome at complimenting a job well done and is really nice when she tells you when you did something wrong...
not that I Ever do that!... ;)

5. Everyone else I work with! They're all so great!

6. My best friend Darcy works there and I get to go to lunch with her
a lot. :) It makes the day so much better! I love walking thru her office
and having a friendly face there.

7. Catered lunches every so often. :) yum yum! need I say more, it's food!

5. The People. OH the People! I am such a people person and a people pleaser.
We see upwards of 150 patients per day, plus all the patients who
come in to pay bills, make appointments, or to pick up prescriptions etc.
So I get to do alot of talking and A LOT of listening. Which is great.
People are So Interesting.
I love hearing about their lives and the things they've experienced
and just finding out little details about them. I learn so much from
them on a daily basis. LIKE TODAY--
we had an older come in who had been run over by a car 3 months ago.
They told him he would never walk again but he walked in on his
own for his appointment and smiled through all the pain
he must be in and told me about how many amazing things have come
from going through this whole thing.
Check Check!

LAST--That I HAVE a job. I try and remember every day and thank
my Heavenly Father every morning that I have a job to go to.
I know So many people are out of a job and have been looking for a long time.
I've been very blessed.

It looks a little barren this time of the year but the mountains are always so beautiful! This is the view from my desk at work. No I don't have to walk to the window. I just look up from my computer screen and that's what I see! :) I wish I could get a pic that would do it justice but alas all I ever have at work is my phone so that's what I got for now. :)


  1. what a GORGEOUS view!!

    it's SOOOO nice to actually like your job!! :)

    it makes me so happy inside!

  2. So glad you have a job you love! That's so's such a huge chunk of your time & your life! Yay for good jobs! And yay for your good attitude!
